Sunday 3 June 2018

Nail Polish Marbling Technique

These are the 3 cards I made using the Nail Polish Marbeling strips of water colour paper. I will run this technique class on: -
Saturday 28th July 2.00-4.30pm.
Make these 3 cards using strips of the technique. (You can bring your own nail polish if you like - or use mine).
Cost $25 (cash only). Bookings essential.

Nail Polish Marbling

I had a play with this interesting technique - Nail Polish Marbling.
I look forward to using these strips on cards and projects.

Saturday 2 June 2018

Petal Palette and Oh So Ecclectic

Stamp-a-stack Sunday 1st July 2.00-4.30pm
Make 8 cards, 2 of each design.
Cost $30 (cash). Bookings essential, so kits can be prepared.

Doggone Friendly - Upright “Z” Fold card

I needed a special birthday card for our sweet little Rosie who celebrated her birthday on Monday.  I made an Upright “z” Fold card using th...